"If Only I Had Red Wings"

Cast, cut and painted glass shapes mounted above panel of sewn thread and appliqué, 22"x30", 2019

 This old African American tale is about a young rabbit who wanted red wings like some little birds he so often saw in the woods.

Rabbit asked everyone he knew how he could get red wings. Everyone laughed at him except old Mr. Possum.  Possum told Rabbit how to find a wishing pond that was on the edge of a field two hills away.

After looking for it all day Rabbit found the pond and peered in. He asked with all his heart for big beautiful red wings.  Then he lay down to sleep.

In the morning Rabbit woke just as light was reflecting off the pond.  He looked in the water and there he saw himself. To his great delight he had the red wings he had imagined.

 Now comes the hard part.  Rabbit hopped home as fast as he could to show everyone how he had changed.  But as he approached his friends and acquaintances each ran away from him in fright or disgust.  Even his own mother wouldn’t let him in the house.

Young Rabbit was told by Possum to get back to the wishing pond.  If he was lucky he could wish the wings away.  That’s what Rabbit did and after that he was satisfied to be as he was.